Sunday, April 25, 2010


I've been trying to figure out why I haven't felt "at peace" lately. It's like I fell off my spiritual cloud. Then I disected my thoughts and feelings from the recent times that have taken me away from my spiritual connection and realized I'd been worrying more than usual. I'm not sure why, but I have.
Worrying takes me away from living in the moment and feeling grateful for all that I have, all that I am and all that is! Don't get me wrong, worry in small doses is healthy, it shows we care about someone or something enough to consume our minds. It's when it becomes a fear that it denies us the inner peace that fulfills us. I need to take a moment (sometimes several in a day now) to "Let Go and Let God". That's exactly what it is. I am in His hands and it is His will that I will allow. I will just keep doing what I've been doing, "The next right thing" in every choice I make.
"Worrying is a sin, it's like telling God you don't trust Him" ~ author unknown


The Mendez Family said...

I love that picture. Something about it just makes me take a big deep breath and relax :)
That's funny that you blogged about worrying this morning because of what happened this morning. I was put in a 2 year old class at church to help the teacher. Well, the teacher wasn't there and there was no plans so when it came to bible story time I had to wing it. I opened up the bible story book and saw some pictures of some red birds. The title of the story was "Jesus teaches about not worrying" The jist of it was to take a look at the birds. God feeds them and takes care of them. How much more important to Him are you and how much more will He take care of you? It was taken from Matthew 6:25-34 The 2 year olds liked the pretty birds but Im pretty sure they don't worry. They just have this sweet child like faith and trust.
I love you sis. Here's to more beautiful sunsets, red birds, and child like faith in the God that loves and cares for us more than anything in all creation!

Laurie Kolp said...

I've been worrying a lot about my sister lately, too. I feel like the one I knew is dead. It's been very difficult, but God does get me through and I feel so much better when I turn everything over to him. Someone said, "Sometimes the best presents are wrapped in black paper." To me that means trials draw us closer to God, which is the best present of all.
Love you, Jeni! ~laurie