This is a blog dedicated to my dear sister Mary who had so much to live for and so much to give ~ she gave all she had and it is all treasured now... until we see again.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Goodbye 2010

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Seahorses ~Seahorses~ Seahorses
I met a new friend through my work a year ago. Danielle! We connected instantly by the common interest in the 11:11 signs. When she gave me her e-mail address my jaw almost dropped. I knew we were meant to be friends. Her e-mail was seahorse@...com! I told her my sister looooved Seahorses. (I was a little amazed because I've never met anyone else who loved seahorses.) There are some things about her that remind me of Mary, she also loves loves loves animals like Mary did. She is beautiful and short like Mary too :)! Anyway, we became instant friends, but don't get to hang out or even talk very much due to life's busy demands. I saw her before Christmas and she brought me this beautiful Seahorse Christmas ornament. I couldn't believe she remembered!!! We hadn't talked about the Seahorse since the first day we met. She said she saw this and had to get it for me. Tears came to her eyes. Somehow my friend Danielle and I are connected! I am so blessed to have the sweet souls brought into my life. I know its not a coincidence at all... none of it is!
I sent a picture of this seahorse ornament to Kelsey and this is what she text back to me:
"i love the seahorse!!! its soooo prettty!!
and mom would have probably spazzzed over it ;)!"
Mary is with us... she shows me all the time! Here is a Seahorse I saw from SouthStreet Seaport in NYC :
Here on the Boardwalk at Jones Beach on Long Island:
Monday, December 27, 2010
Mary Cardinal Christmas
Can you see the female in the middle of the tree?
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Sweet Christmas 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
M-A-R-Y - Goooooo Mary!
Well, she ended up doing both throughout her HS years! She tried the dance team thing her sophomore year (along with bleach blonde hair - which we fixed pretty quick and laughed about it years later).
She was so good! She flipped and flopped and tumbled and jumped and yelled and smiled and cheered her little heart out.... she was right at home!
her energy, smile and enthusiasm was so contagious!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Cardinal Explosion

Elizabeth in San Antonio. Memories we have from so long ago,
a connection we have all the way to the soul!
What a beautiful gift ~ A cardinal explosion just for me!
Elizabeth's thoughtfulness brought a smile straight from my heart
and brightened my day!
So much love.......
Happy Birthday Dad
Sunday, December 5, 2010
I live my life through peace.
I live my life allowing wisdom to dictate my thoughts.
I live my life in control of my emotions and actions.
I live my life through balance and order.
I live my life through knowing that I control my positive and negative outcomes.
I live through knowing I am a divine being in control of my imagination.
I live my life through sacrifice and devotion, allowing God to use me as a vessel.
I live my life through life-giving words and loving relationships.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Morning Signs

I heard you in the dark of the morning my sweet little cardinal friends and again at the exit of my community as I left for work!

I started my iPod to play music... Without me choosing , it played on it's own random sequence a song for Brett (Journey), a song for Mary (PDiddy), a song for Chad and I (Whitney) & a song for Kelsey (Rihanna)!