This is a blog dedicated to my dear sister Mary who had so much to live for and so much to give ~ she gave all she had and it is all treasured now... until we see again.
For others life is
short with quality of time.
My wedding plans seem to be missing something.... I was waiting for you Mary.I miss dad so
very much!
You were supposed to be my maid of honor - standing by my side.
A nest you made, in my tree
There is so much more than just this life on earth.I love you so much..... I feel you everywhere ~ all the time! We are like one soul.
I had to run home and post these pictures of that time she cried about!
Oh Mary, so beautiful, so sweet & so fast. Just a flash, that's all I got.
Life is like that too: Beautiful * Sweet * Fast!
Momma misses you Mary ~ We all miss you!
Today I will accept thatI don't have to know why things are the way they are.Instead I can pay attention tohealing, growing, and learning!
Dear Judge Walker,
I'm sure you know that my sister, Mary McCraw took her life on March 22, 2008. She had some demons she was dealing with. You did not help her with your mandate to jail. It may not be your place to look at a person's past record of life to determine the level of punishment, that is too bad. Mary did not have any sort of record. She was a teacher, a mother, an inspiration to all who came in contact with her.I hope you learn about the disease of addiction. It is not pretty. It is not prejudice, it gets the best of us. Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers.... Mary's was a late progression. There was hope, she was going to get better. Do you know Mary got beat up, molested and robbed in jail? Maybe you don't have any sorrow. I wouldn't expect you too.
I just wanted you to know that I have forgiven you for not stepping down from my sisters case when you should have. Because of your close relationship with her in-laws, there was serious conflict of interest. You treated Mary as if she was a hardened repeat offender... She didn't have a chance with you as her judge. No Mercy. So so sad. Well,we know who the real judge is. She is with him now! I pray for you and hope you learn the difference between someone who is sick and someone who is bad.
I don't blame you for Mary's death, but I do acknowledge the wrongful sentence you chose for a sweet soul that needed help, not shackles. She made a couple bad choices but you broke her. She's at peace now and I guess I have you to thank for that.
You can be angry for my words or you can put it behind you and make a difference in everything you do from this day forward. May God be with you in your work and home. I believe you get back what you put out there.A Loving Sister,
"We're having left over chili, but it doesn't have ANY beans. What the heck are
people thinking of making a chili without beans! It's not chili without
beans!"I nearly fell out of my seat laughing. Only because just the week before Chad & I were grocery shopping picking out some chili to make with macaroni noodles (mine & Mary's way - we loooooved Chili mac), and Chad picked out some chili with-out beans. I had the same emotional reaction Kelsey had. Pure passion about the fact that:
"It's not chili if it has no beans!"
I told him so! Almost word for word what Kelsey said to me. So many lil things like that bring me closer to my sweet lil neice. She is a lil replica of Mary & has alot of my personality too. I cried sweet tears when I hung up the phone and swore I would never forget that moment that bonded me to my neice so many miles away.