I have been so blessed to come into contact with many wonderful people who have found me through my Little Red Bird facebook page. There are no coincidences and I believe we were all meant to find each other. Each story touches my heart in a different way..... this particular one I'm about to share here is really special. Proof that our little red bird is truly as gift from above. She always shows up at most extreme times in our lives and somehow we "just know" that there is something in this special visit. Somewhere deep in our soul something is awakened and the more we connect with each other it confirms what was already whispered from our soul. Our little red bird chirps LOVE HOPE and INSPIRATION and for me that is good enough! Everything else is extra. Enjoy:
I wrote to ya in the past about my encounter with a little red bird who has come to my window every day since December 16th, 2011 and still does on a daily basis. I would like to share my story with you.
I was 14 when my mother passed away suddenly form a heart attack and my sister says that every time she sees a cardinal she thinks of our mother as she always loved them. Many years have passed since our mothers passing and now my father is going on 83 yrs and lives with me, his health is declining but he is doing ok, but my sister was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma Aug 2010. All the traditional treatment had not worked, chemo etc..... and the cancer is very aggressive and spreading despite all the treatment they have tried thus far. In January she had to have a partial mastectomy as a tumor in her breast had gotten so big it was going to come through the skin. She did wonderfully. As she was getting tests to start yet another clinical trial they ordered a CT scan and found she had a blood clot in her heart..she just had her 52nd birthday April 10th.
So a lot is going on here in my life. I am a single mother, working as a visiting nurse. I don't date; my life is too complicated right now but I have always dreamed, you may say I have a calling, to see Montana, be there. I love horses and riding, even went to school for equine studies. I have said I want to meet a cowboy from Montana, really actually want one to find me here on Long Island, NY.
As fate would have it, I did, he was here training horses, I met him Dec 16th the same day my little bird showed up at my window. I told him I was waiting for a cowboy from Montana to find me me here, he said "Found ya", and I replied, "This is unreal"... to which he said "Sometimes the unreal happens", it's called HOPE. I also placed a cross around my neck that same weekend Dec 16th, it was one of my children's from when they made their communion and I found it in the Christmas decorations. Coincidence?? Perhaps.. a Message??? I don't know.
So after meeting this cowboy I picked his brain all about Montana, I have done tons of research of the area of the state I want to see and wouldn't ya know, its right near where I want to go. I am trying to plan a sisters get-away so she can see it with me, I have another sister too, so it would be all three of us, a trip of a lifetime.
I have been trying to understand why this little red bird has come to me..could it me my mother.. coming for my dad?? He too has cancer and has been feeling faint, he goes for a full cardiac workup next week. Is it a message to get to Montana, a place I've never been to but just calls for me.. I don't know. All I know is she comes to me every morning, does a little fly by with a few taps on the window, most days she wakes me up at sun up and stays all day, looks at me, hops up and down and taps on the window. I have put paper draw liners taped to the window to block her reflection, but that has not stopped her, she will be in the 1 inch of window that isn't covered. She is persistent. I have put suction cups to the outer window and hung a cross from it, it stopped her for a day or so, but now she's not phased. I was afraid she was going to hurt herself, but she has been here going on 5 months and seems fine. Her mate is with her, he sings beautifully and doesn't come to the window, just stays in the brush. I wish I knew what she wants, or is trying to tell me.
Right now I am working on going to Montana with my sister's in July for 6 days. If I get the answer, or message, I'll let you know. If you have any insight on this please let me know. As the weather has gotten better she spends less time in my window, for the first few months it was from sun up till sundown, lately she comes by in the am, to wake me up and then a few times throughout the day.. It's so strange, I just don't now what to make of it. It makes me worry over both my father and my sister.
~ Diane
I wrote to ya in the past about my encounter with a little red bird who has come to my window every day since December 16th, 2011 and still does on a daily basis. I would like to share my story with you.
I was 14 when my mother passed away suddenly form a heart attack and my sister says that every time she sees a cardinal she thinks of our mother as she always loved them. Many years have passed since our mothers passing and now my father is going on 83 yrs and lives with me, his health is declining but he is doing ok, but my sister was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma Aug 2010. All the traditional treatment had not worked, chemo etc..... and the cancer is very aggressive and spreading despite all the treatment they have tried thus far. In January she had to have a partial mastectomy as a tumor in her breast had gotten so big it was going to come through the skin. She did wonderfully. As she was getting tests to start yet another clinical trial they ordered a CT scan and found she had a blood clot in her heart..she just had her 52nd birthday April 10th.
So a lot is going on here in my life. I am a single mother, working as a visiting nurse. I don't date; my life is too complicated right now but I have always dreamed, you may say I have a calling, to see Montana, be there. I love horses and riding, even went to school for equine studies. I have said I want to meet a cowboy from Montana, really actually want one to find me here on Long Island, NY.
As fate would have it, I did, he was here training horses, I met him Dec 16th the same day my little bird showed up at my window. I told him I was waiting for a cowboy from Montana to find me me here, he said "Found ya", and I replied, "This is unreal"... to which he said "Sometimes the unreal happens", it's called HOPE. I also placed a cross around my neck that same weekend Dec 16th, it was one of my children's from when they made their communion and I found it in the Christmas decorations. Coincidence?? Perhaps.. a Message??? I don't know.
So after meeting this cowboy I picked his brain all about Montana, I have done tons of research of the area of the state I want to see and wouldn't ya know, its right near where I want to go. I am trying to plan a sisters get-away so she can see it with me, I have another sister too, so it would be all three of us, a trip of a lifetime.
I have been trying to understand why this little red bird has come to me..could it me my mother.. coming for my dad?? He too has cancer and has been feeling faint, he goes for a full cardiac workup next week. Is it a message to get to Montana, a place I've never been to but just calls for me.. I don't know. All I know is she comes to me every morning, does a little fly by with a few taps on the window, most days she wakes me up at sun up and stays all day, looks at me, hops up and down and taps on the window. I have put paper draw liners taped to the window to block her reflection, but that has not stopped her, she will be in the 1 inch of window that isn't covered. She is persistent. I have put suction cups to the outer window and hung a cross from it, it stopped her for a day or so, but now she's not phased. I was afraid she was going to hurt herself, but she has been here going on 5 months and seems fine. Her mate is with her, he sings beautifully and doesn't come to the window, just stays in the brush. I wish I knew what she wants, or is trying to tell me.
Right now I am working on going to Montana with my sister's in July for 6 days. If I get the answer, or message, I'll let you know. If you have any insight on this please let me know. As the weather has gotten better she spends less time in my window, for the first few months it was from sun up till sundown, lately she comes by in the am, to wake me up and then a few times throughout the day.. It's so strange, I just don't now what to make of it. It makes me worry over both my father and my sister.
~ Diane
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