Sunday, September 8, 2013

Cardinal of Hope

On a day that is bleak..
though there is a new fallen snow 
You fret and you ponder which way you should go.
You haven't the heart to believe anymore, that the plans he has made.. would your own faith restore.
You've struggled and tried to use your own power, to understand things before the right hour.
But Jesus replies, " Rest in my unending grace, And know my love and purpose is surely in place"
I will not leave you, nor forsake you my child..
Your faith is the fabric put on in the trial.
So trust in me daughter and lean not on you, For the secret lies deep in the pain you go through.
Acknowledge me daily with every heart cry, and I will show you the answer to why..
The fruit you produce in obedience will, one day be a legacy your children fulfill.

So look for the blessing I will send your way, A "Cardinal of Hope" to strengthen your day.

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