"A Call is heard and answered from a little Lavender Pad"....I have a small lavender spiral pad I keep tucked in a corner of the built in desk I have in my kitchen. It's my Mary pad. I write sweet notes to her as thoughts come to me. Just little notes of love. I've been doing it pretty much since she passed away, not giving it much thought. I believe she see's it.

I'm writing about this now because last night I wrote a love note in it to Mary saying,
"Love that my Robins are Back ~ You hear me don't you?!" After writing that, I had to take my pup out for one last grass visit. As I was out my door, I heard the familiar sound of the cardinal chirp chirp chirp out back. I listened very closely because Chad was telling me the other night he heard the squeak of bats. BATS?! yup, I guess... we even saw something that night fly erradically out of the tree. Well, a sqeak and a chirp can sound very familiar to me. I listened and determined it was definetly chirps. Several chirps if I heard correctly. I couldn't believe my ears. It was
after midnight and birds DO sleep at night. I was so confused, thinking that maybe my mind was playing tricks on me. I decided to take the pup out front instead. The chirps got louder and it sounded like
several of them were up in the trees all around me. They were chirping away. Even my pup Honey stopped her sniffing and looked up above her to just listen. I felt a peace and calm come over me...
I feel like I am being heard. Is it possible that this flock of cardinals was sent to me as a sign?!
Yes- most definitely! Love you!!
Just beautiful. Love the picture of the pad.
I love that you love the picture of the pad :) ~ an artists eye!!
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