Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Sister Moment

Wanna hear something funny?
I was driving to the train this morning (3/6/13); the song "Sweet Dreams" by the Eurythmics came on - yes I know all the words - so I started singing it out loud, all by myself and dead serious.

Would you believe "I heard (or felt) my Mary laughing at me...."
So I started laughing!
It was such a sister moment!
I felt her with me... No doubt... This will be a beautiful day!!

3/9/13 - had to add to this experience:
As I was driving to do a couple errands, I was thinking of my Mary and synchronicity.  Thinking of how lucky I was to experience the magic of  it so often, then all of a sudden the song  "Sweet Dreams" by the Eurythmics came on again - a sign my sister is confirming to me that she really is with me!!

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