Friday, February 17, 2012

Just What the Dr. Ordered - Momma

The visit to mom and Texas is exactly what the Dr. ordered. Angels were everywhere. Mom's surgery went well. My brother was there with mom through it all. My sister Lisa was there with her beautiful family to love and support momma. Even my dear friend Tina who lives only half an hour away and happens to be a home health nurse came by to visit and check on mom.
What a beautiful surprise to visit mom's home and see that there was a picture of a cardinal on the trailer right next to hers so every time she opens her door the first thing she sees is a beautiful red cardinal smiling at her. How random is that?? NOT :)! To see where mom lives in the sleepy lil beach town and all the people around her was such a comfort. Her landlady who lives across the gravel road was an angel and loves mom like her own. Then I met her friend Eddie who is as sweet on mom as can be... a very special friend. I prayed for someone like him to come into her life and there he was. The weather and beach were so peaceful and serene.
This trip was healing not just for mom, but for me. My heart can rest a bit now, the worries are no more.

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