I AM SO HAPPY! I have such a connective feeling to all the wonderful things going on right now. It's all part of my journey. I don't know how to put it in words!
Let me start by listing the 4 significant things I'm happy about
right now and why:

The Synchro Project (
http://www.synchroproject.org/)! The next big meeting is April 9th in NYC and that is coming up soon.... I feel like I am embarking towards great wisdom regarding all these wonderful things happening in my life! I'm going to make a book of all my synchronicities and bring it to this meeting. That's pretty easy since I have almost all of them all labeled here on my Mary blog! Can't wait to finally meet my synchro sister Lesley Roy! Since our connection, she has had a cardinal visit at a very significant time....

The Positive Pin (
http://www.thepositivepin.com/)! This is such a sweet and simple little thing, but am so proud of it. A hometown friend brought it to life and its about to go global. This is what i am all about too.... I promote hope, love, inspiration and motivation through Positive Living! So I feel very connected to this Positive Pin!

"I Am" the Documentary (
http://www.iamthedoc.com/)! I saw this posted on FB by my friend - the founder of The Positive Pin. I am so excited about this...... this docutmentary reminds me of my journey, my beliefs, my core! I looked up the showtimes and found that one of the Premiers is in NYC - Union Square next week, March 18th. Would you believe that it is actually in one of the buildings I work in?? Holey Moley. I sent it to the Director of the Synchro Project, my Synchro sister Lesley and may even make it!

Her Future (
http://www.herfuture.com/)! A web community of like minded women working together to make our dreams come true by mentoring, inspiring, sharing, connecting...... I've met some incredible souls here and the more I connect the more I grow!
I could actually go on and on about all the people and things I'm so very grateful for but not today. This post is dedicated to the conectiveness of these 4 things going on right now in my life .......
I'm not sure what the outcome of this path I'm on is going to be and it doesn't matter, because all that matters it that
I'm Enjoying the Journey... and that I AM!
1 comment:
I'm so happy for you, Jen, and can't wait to find out how the conference goes.
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